Saturday, July 20, 2013

15 minutes of Panera fame...

How did I not post something about my interview on It is kind of a big deal.

Here's how it all went down:
About a year ago I received an email from someone claiming to be a freelance writer for an interview with me, to discuss my blog. At first I thought it was a joke. Then I realized, no one would go to that extent for a joke that wouldn't even be that funny.

So I set up a phone interview to discuss my Panera journey. The entire interview was hilarious. Why? Well, to me, this blog is just fun. I love Panera and I enjoy writing. It is a nice little outlet. I don't take it seriously. So I couldn't help but laugh at the majority of the questions.

To start out, the writer asked me some standard background questions. Name, age, city, state, occupation, married/single, kids/no kids. Then the question of how did I start the blog and why. Which led to more questions...

You can read the article HERE.

Random NOTES and Takeaways:
  • The picture. I didn't know to what extent this article was going to be. I certainly didn't think a picture would be included. So, believe me when I say that...had I known a picture would be included, I would have found a better one. I am standing in front of the coveted Lakewood Panera, to my credit. 
  • Why do I keep writing in all caps? 
  • A Panera mug or t-shirt. Haven't gotten a one of them. Kind of feel like I have earned something from Panera. If you think about it, this blog should be included in Panera management training. Lots of insight to be gained. (Please note my sarcasm)
All in all, my Panera interview went well. I was flattered and felt less guilty for my time and effort over the past couple of years. 

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