Friday, May 13, 2011

Diversity day in Bexley

For the past couple of months, I have been looking for a new place to move. During this process, Deb (my mom), decided to join me in my search efforts.

Now, I think by this point, Deb has accepted the consequences of hanging out with me on a Saturday morning. Generally speaking, any type of excursion with me requires some sort of a meal as one of the main events. Since the creation of this blog...that means Panera. Thankfully, Deb is a fan of Panera.

Bexley was next on my list, and seemed like it would be a nice area, so off we went.

Here are some of the high points...

Date of visit: April 2
Time of day: 11:30ish
Items ordered:
Me: Cuban chicken panini + black bean soup +  wheat baguette + unsweet tea 
Deb: Sierra Turkey + Chili + Hazelnut coffee

Random Notes.

  • As you are driving down the main drag in Bexley (East Broad) you notice that the area is separated from extremely wealthy to extremely poor. While we were driving to Bexley we started out through the 'poor' side of town. Admittedly, we were a little concerned about where we were going to have this meal...and we were pleasantly surprised when we pulled up to the quaint neighborhood that this Panera sits.
  • I have never seen such a heavily diverse crowd at a Panera...ever.
  • The bathrooms were difficult to find. Both Deb and I tried to find the bathrooms on separate occasions and both walked toward the same wrong wall.
Final note...
Loved the layout. Enjoyed the area. Would like to go back for a summer visit to enjoy their patio/people watching.

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