Friday, January 19, 2018

The Craft Beverage Phenomenon

Why does everything have to be described as "craft" these days? Craft is one hell of a marketing term that instantly changes something from drab to fab. It's not just a beer these days, it is a craft beer. And in the case of Panera, it is not just an iced tea anymore, it is a "craft" beverage, with a plethora of options.

Have you noticed the tea upgrade at Panera in the last couple of years? Prior to Panera going all in on the "craft" tea phraseology, they dipped their toes in the water with the Acai tea and a green tea option. It must have taken off because now their is an entire row of iced tea options at Panera.

6 tea options. 

I don't like to brag, but...I am a bit of a tea snob...but mainly in an old crotchety way....not so much in a fun, hip way. I like an old-fashioned fresh-brewed unsweetened tea. A sure fire way to agitate me is to give me a fountain tea, but tell me it is fresh brewed. There is a huge difference. As a general rule,  I don't like flavored tea, but the only exception to the "I hate flavored tea" rule is the Acai tea from Panera. I do enjoy a splash of the Acai on my regular unsweetened tea from Panera.

As for the other "craft" beverages from Panera...Maybe I will try them for research purposes. Anyone else try them?

My meal featuring a plain Jane unsweet tea.

Random Notes:

  • Was the Kraft brand way ahead of it's time? Should someone come along with "Craft Macaroni and Cheese"? There would be a variety of macaroni shapes and cheeses to choose from. 
  • I find it amusing that there is a sign on the tea machines suggesting that you "enjoy with ice". Really? Do we need that prompt? 
  • I like their Acai tea, but lately at the Panera's in my neighborhood, they make them very watery. So I don't see the point in adding the splash of Acai. 
  • I still don't feel comfortable saying out loud "Acai". How in the hell do you pronounce it?

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